Thursday, October 1, 2009

Collective Leadership

Some thoughts on collective leadership:

While the concept of HBDI or whole brain thinking is worth emulating for every individual , it is also to be accepted and understood that one cannot exhibit all the necessary qualities required for success as a leader in whole-especially when you look at organizational success.

The concept of collective leadership becomes very relevant here . Each individual of a group takes a leadership position in area of strength and takes a back seat or plays a supporting role otherwise . This helps evolve a winning leadership team . Ofcourse formation of the team is very important . Wrongly formed team or identical pattern of leadersship behaviour in the team will not help . Also uppermost in to-do once the team is formed is the acceptance by each individual to step back at the right time .Mind you - this is not easy since very few human brains of leaders are programmed to accept non-leadership status .
If the leadership team is able to practice this to perfection then Success is guarenteed .

More thoughts in coming days .

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